Spreading Truth to a Lost World..One Soul at a Time!
Restoring The Truth of Yahweh !

Shalom and welcome to our official website, we are blessed by your visit. The purpose for this website is to promote true orthodox doctrinal teachings through the study of the Scriptures, but mostly as a form of communication for all the brethren in all parts of the world.
We are all one body, united by one Spirit and grafted into one people, the people of Yahweh, and the one true Nation of Ysrael (Gentile Remnant as well as the called Hebrew). Study with us and learn about the real Jesus, the Jewish Messiah named Yeshua. Learn what he preached, taught and how he wants us to worship Father Yahweh.
So please stay a while and enjoy our lessons, videos and much more, created just for you. If you should have any questions or would like more information, just send us an email to the address below. May Yah bless you, as you draw near to Him, Amein.
here at the Last Restoration Fellowship, witness and proclaim we are a part of
the last restoration movement, prompted by the Set Apart Spirit (holy Spirit)
in these the last days of this age. That all other reformation movements, awakenings, and revivals were at best, partial attempts inspired by
man to restore orthodoxy, but failed to completely restore proper
teachings, because it was man made attemps and not Spirit breathed. Because of
this reason, these reformers still managed to retain some form of pagan Greco-Roman
sun worship belief. When we carefully study the Scriptures, we learn that
our Father Yahweh prohibits us to co-mingle his pure form of worship with the many
pagan rites, rituals or unorthodox doctrinal belief, most modern
denominations display today. (Deuteronomy 12:30).
also learn in the Scriptures (Word of Yahweh), that we are admonished
to observe His Appointed Times (Feasts), that they were not done away
with when the sacrificial system for the covering of sins was replaced
by the offering of our Passover Lamb Yeshua Messiah (1st Corinthians
5:8). We also see that when we come to believe in, and accept the Hebrew
Messiah, we are grafted in (adjoined to) to the true People Of Yahweh
and the complete Nation of Ysra'El (Romans 11). We learned that no one
comes to Yahshua, unless he is drawn by the Set Apart Spirit (John
6:44), and chosen to be a part of the redeemed remnant of Ysrael. (1st
Peter : 1) That when the exact number of called remnant Goyin (Gentile
descendants of lost tribes) are grafted back into the olive tree (Israel), then all Ysrael will be saved. (Romans 11: 24-26). We will see that this last age of worldwide human rule will end, when Messiah returns to establish the kingdom in the millennium reign, and that the decisions we make for Yah today, will impact and determine our place within that Kingdom. It is ultimately our sole responsibility to seek His truth, and we will have to answer on that day, why we have neglected his true counsel.
also honor and observe the 10 Commandments, because our Savior told us
to do so (Matthew 5:19) We do these things, not because we think we are
better, we do these things because we want to please him in all things
(Colossians 1:10). We worship Him the way He chooses to be worshiped,
and also on the day He wants to be worshiped, so we observe the Seventh
day (4th Commandment) and not Sunday (sun worship day), because we
choose to obey the Commandments of Yahweh, and not traditions of men. (Matt
15: 8-9)
Enjoy this lesson on being "Grafted In" from our brothers at 119 ministries: