
      Last Restoration Fellowship
         Messianic Ministries International

    Who We Are

risenyeshua risenyeshua +


Believers, simply that!

Talmidim (disciples) of Yeshua and the Kehilat (church) He built. We do not subscribe to any one church group or denomination. We firmly believe that we are part of the last and final restoration movement, aimed in preparing the Body of believers in Yeshua before His Second Coming to this earth.
We are a group of followers of The Way, whom by the power, goodness and grace of our Abba Father, Eternal Creator Elohim the Almighty, and by the inspiration of His Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit), have set forth the last true and final restoration period to the believers and it's fellowship. We are not a cult or a denomination. We believe this final restoration is motivated by the Ha Kodesh Spirit in these the last days, as a reunification of the remnant body of Yahushua, to the complete house of Ysrael (Jew & Gentile) before His Second Coming. Also to all those from any and all Religions: Catholic, Christian, Islam, Jewish, Hindi, Buddhist Etc. whom by the calling of the Spirit, is revealed the truth and called to become part of the true People of Yahweh. The task is incredibly hard and the road is long, but the call is real. Our model has been the 1st century family of believers in our Messiah, converts of the set apart (Ha Kadosh) Lamb and Savior Yahshua Ha Masshiach, founded upon his sent Emissaries (the Apostles). Our mission is trifold. 1-To restore the true doctrine of our Creator excluding all traditions of men and added ancient pagan doctrines, rites, symbols or Greek  and  Roman Mythology 2-To restore the true fellowship to the body of believers, as the founding Apostles (Sent Ones) first instituted it. Not only meeting the needs of all spiritually, but also physically and mentally. And 3-To announce to the lost remnant (gentiles) the Good News of atonement in Messhiach, and making new believers of all nations, for the kingdom of Yahweh and of His Messiah, our Savior Yahshua.

Click on the following to learn a fresh new teaching from our messianic brothers at Nazarene Israel on "What Was The Original Faith." Click on the link below.      

Why This Restoration Now?

During the last past centuries, a great number of believers in the body of the Messiah, gradually departed from the true teachings of our Savior Yeshua, listening to another Gospel, propelled by a religious system that promoted total disassociation with Judaism and/or anything Jewish. (1st Tim 4:1) This posed a problem for many Messianic Jews, that until the 7th century, steadily grew in strength and in numbers. Through harsh pressure against them from Rabbis of Jewish Synagogues, these made it unlawful for them to even utter the name of Yeshua. The final blow came when the forces of the Gentilized Churches of Rome, started persecution against anything remotely Jewish, when it came to religion. Around the 7th century CE, another rising force in Europe at that time was Islam. It is no wonder these Arabs (descendants of Ishmael) also combated this counterfeit religion system, as they were also being discouraged by the Prophet Muhammad to engage in any form of pagan worship, and also had been persecuted and murdered in many a Roman Crusade. With all these forces against the Remnant followers, most messianic Jews were gradually assimilated into the many Gentilized Churches by either the sword or by coercion, as were also many of the Jews throughout Europe during the time of the inquisition. Still through all the utter adversity and persecution, there has always been Jewish believers in the Messiah Yeshua, that have kept themselves free from any kind of pagan ritual worship. Elohim has always preserved a remnant of His chosen people all throughout history. However in the early 1800's, the movement gained some momentum, as mass groups of Jewish people began to accept Yeshua as their Messiah. Finally after the year 1967, and ever since, the so called modern messianic awakening has been steadily growing in number, after tens of thousands of Jewish people suddenly accepted Yeshua as their Messiah. This prophesied event of Restoration started right after the six day war, when the city of Yahrushalayim (Jerusalem) in a miraculous turn of events, returned to Jewish hands (Luke 21:24). We affirm that this outpouring of the Set Apart Spirit in these the last days of the age, is truly motivated by Abba Yahweh, in fulfillment of prophecy given to Ysrael, that after the city of David would return to the Jewish people, Yahweh would turn once again towards His people in National Salvation. (Hos. 3:4-5, Joel 2:28-29, Deut. 30:1-3) This is how we know that this Last Restoration Movement and this Fellowship in Yahushua, is not man-made, but is Elohim Breathed. Yahshua said: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of YisraEl" (Mathew 15:24)

To better understand who we are and who the lost sheep Messiah came to save are, just click on the following link below from our brothers at Nazarene Israel.


If You Are Being Called to Study With Us:

No one comes to me unless the Father, the One who sent me, draws him to me. And I will raise him on the Last Day    
John 6:44.   

If you would like to be a part of this, our great commission, or if you like to break free from denominational doctrine, we cordially invite you to study Torah with us. It is our only endeavor, in these last days, to unite from all churches, denominations, and organizations the one true Body of Yahushua that is spread throughout the world today. To please Him we must obey Him in all things!  If this is your calling, e-mail us at, and we will contact you. The Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) of Yahweh is sending this call in these last days. If you can hear it, don't delay and contact us quickly to join. May Yahweh Bless your decision. 

Judaism, Christianity and Islam

In all the three major Abrahamic Religions, the concept of the Messiah coming to

establish the Reign or Kingdom of G-d on the earth is accepted. For the Jews that rejected Yeshua, they still await the coming of Mashiach (Messiah) to establish and restore the "Throne of David" and exalt the Nation of Israel. For us who believe in Yeshua Ha Mashiach, He has already came once, and we await his "Second Coming" as all of Christendom awaits. But there is a third Abrahamic Religion that believe Yeshua is a Messiah, but only in a sense of a Highest Prophet and not the Redeemer of mankind and Son of G-d or G-d in the flesh. They also as Messianic Jews believe, he will defeat the antichrist and establish G-d's rule on the Earth.

The name Isa is written in Islamic Calligraphy (in the symbol above) followed by Peace be upon Him. He is also known as the Masih (Messiah) in Islam.  Thousands of Muslims are coming to Messiah today in miraculous ways, as reports come in daily.  Today many radicals have hijacked this religions, to cause confusion and death in these the last days.  As this age approaches the end, many will be called from out the entire world to become part of the True Nation of YsraEl, the people known by His name, Yahweh. This includes descendants trapped in any form of Religion. Yahweh is sovereign in all His judgements, and shall choose as He pleases and according to His perfect will.


The Ark of the Covenant contained the set apart stone tablets, and represents: (the Law)  Aaron's  staff (the Prophets) and vessel of Manna from Heaven (the Messiah)   considered the concrete testimony of the alliance between YAHWEH and the True Yisrael,  (all 12 tribes from both houses,  Jew and Gentile)


The Hebrew Scriptures were the only theological foundation for the letters of the Sent Ones (Apostles) as guided by the Set Apart Spirit to record, and not some new form of  theological revelation, nullifying the Old.

jeshua and followers
jeshua and followers

Yeshua and his Disciples celebrate his last Passover meal, as we should today. He never came to abolish Yahweh's feast's ,  but to fulfill it's meaning unto all believers.


Islam, as one of the 3 major Abrahamic  religions, was introduced by the Prophet Muhammad, turning pagan Arabs to worship the G-d of creation.  The Angel of Yahweh  blessed Hagar and Ishma'El which means "Elohin hears" because He heard her cries for help in the wilderness. "She went out and wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba. When the food and water ran out Hagar cried because she thought they were going to die. Yahweh heard Hagar’s cries. When she opened her eyes she saw a well of water. Yahweh told Hagar to lift up Ishmael and give him some water. Yahweh told them that when Ishmael grew up He would make him a great nation, Genesis 21:18 and 17:20.  Ishmael stayed in the wilderness and got to be very good with the bow and arrow. When Hagar thought it was time for Ishmael to get married, Hagar saw an Egyptian woman that she thought would make a good wife for Ishmael. Ishmael married the Egyptian woman and they had sons. These sons were the princes of twelve nations, Genesis 25:16. Ishmael lived to be one hundred and thirty-seven years old."  They await the return of the Messiah they call Isa (Yahshua), to restore the knowledge of G-d (Yahweh)  to the entire earth.