We often ask ourselves, why are there so many different churches? can they be all right? Is my church teaching the right doctrine? How can I know which is the right Church? All these questions may have crossed our mind at one time or another in our spiritual walk, and are perfectly normal for a sincere-hearted believer. Yahweh has painstakingly left us a record from which we may draw truth, with the help of the Set Apart Spirit which guides us towards Him always. On the other hand, the enemy, our ultimate adversary, is constantly finding new ways to give us a counterfeit that is so close to the original, that many sincere seekers often fall prey to his religious trickery, deceiving nations away from true and acceptable worship of Yahweh. That's why it's our responsibility to always seek TRUTH because truth stands on its own merit. A good way of learning orthodox teachings and proper worship is by studying the Scriptures and comparing its doctrines with our modern religious beliefs. Don't be afraid to ask questions, why do I believe what I believe? Is this found in the Scripture? What did the first followers believe? How did they worship? and modern Church History. When we find the truth, we find Yeshua standing and waiting for us with open arms, because He is the TRUTH. The sole object and purpose of this study is to shed proper light on our Savior's teachings, and never to offend those that may belong to certain denominations that propagate certain erroneous doctrines. We humbly ask those who choose to study Scripture with us, to understand we only wish to honor Yahweh, by bringing his people back to the Torah; as our Messiah fervently revealed to us.
A brief historical timeline and overview of the Apostate churches of today.
The Apostate Churches (beginning in Rome) have formulated a modern Christian Worldview. With the introduction of pagan doctrines, and symbols and by determining what Christianity should look like, what it should teach and believe. With everything from pompous temples and grand Cathedrals to priestly vestments, treasures, and liturgical ceremonies, to give an outward appearance of power and true legitimacy. But with a slow methodical twisting of the Scriptures and its interpretation, they accommodated man-made rituals, feasts, and pagan doctrines not found in the Scriptures. (Col. 2:8) One such doctrine is the doctrine of Hell or Hades. Since the transliteration for the Hebrew word Sheol (meaning grave, pit, and sepulcher) in the Greek became Hades, they not only transliterated the word but took the pagan deity along with it. The Church Fathers of Rome admired and emulated Greek thought and philosophers like Plato and Socrates. These were the precursors of the immortal soul doctrine but were also members of the religious cult of Hades as well. By syncretizing the Greek god Hades for the adversary Satan, they assimilated the doctrine of the underworld, converting it into the Catholic doctrine of Hell, which most all Protestant churches inherited from Rome, and zealously teach as orthodox doctrine today. Click on the following link to learn more:
they decided they had absolute authority above any previous Hebraic
Scriptural doctrine. By doing away altogether with the
infallibility of Yahweh's Word, they elevated Roman religious tradition
above the Torah of Elohim (G-d), thus paganizing our Hebraic roots at the
core of our belief to fit this Greco-Roman worldview. In repackaging
pagan mythology (through syncretism), in the guise of true worship, and
perpetuating Mithraic ceremonial rites and rituals (sun worship), they
replaced the Hebrew names of Elohim and of Messiah found in the Torah
and transliterated them to sound as Greek and Roman deity's. So in this manner, Rome completes the assimilation process, kidnapping the Hebrew Messiah
and his religion, and transforming it into a more familiar Greco-Roman one. This became a more palpable way of worship for the inhabitants of the Empire. By the year 1582,
Rome introduces the new Gregorian calendar, thus eliminating and
replacing Yahweh's appointed feasts and Sabbaths, with Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Babylonian, and other mystery pagan religious feasts and festivals of Sun Worship.
Pagan Days of the Week
From The Old English and Norse Gods
Sunnandæg Sun God | Mōnandæg Moon God | Tīwesdæg Tiw/ Tyr | Wōdnesdæg Wodin/Odin | Þunresdæg Thunor/Thor | Frīgedæg Frige/Freya | Sæternesdæg Saturn |
The months of the year are also named after pagan gods, goddesses, and emperor gods.
January - ME Januari(us), OE Januarius, translation of Latin Januarius, named after JANUS, god of beginnings.The
- ME OE Februarius from Latin Februarius, named for Februa, the feast
of purification, also from the old-Italian god Februus/Februa.goddess of
passion, Her orgiastic rites are celebrated on the 14th of February, St.Valentine’s Day.
March - ME March, from Latin Martius, It is named after the Roman god of war Mars.
April - ME Averil, OF Avril, Latin Aprilis. The name may derive from the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite.
May - ME OE Maius, Latin Maius, from the Greek Maia, goddess of spring (growth).
June - ME Jun(e), OE Iunius, from Latin mensis Junius, named after the goddess Juno, Queen of the gods.
- ME Julie, OE Julius, from Latin Julius (Caesar) after whom it was
named in 44 BC. The original name was quintilis, fifth month in the
early Julian calendar.
August - ME OE Agustus from Latin Augustus (Caesar) 8 BC. Emperor Caesar Augustus, hewas later named the son of god (sun god) or christ. The original name was sextilis, sixth month in the early Julian calendar.
- ME Septembre from Latin September, seventh month in the early Julian
calendar, named after roman goddess of fruit and fruit bearing trees.
October -from Latin October, eighth month is named after greek goddess Astraea
- ME OE from Latin November, ninth month of the early Julian calendar,
from novem NINE, Julius Caesar was considered and honored as god.
- ME Decembre from OF and Latin December, tenth month of the early
Julian calendar, is named after the middle goddess of the three fates.
(Our Creator Elohim has given us the gift of time. He created us within the span of times, markers, stations, and seasons, for Him to bless us with gifts (harvests) and life. Giving us signs in the heavens (sun, moon, stars, and planets) and the movement of our planet, by which we may observe, mark, measure, celebrate, and maintain a record to remember His wondrous creation and the gift of life. (Gen. 1;14) We as His chosen children bless Him with the acceptance of these gifts, by honoring and observing His set-apart days and feasts, as they are a time witness of His redeeming plan of salvation and restoration of the entire universe. Instead, our current evil system chose to acknowledge all kinds of false deities created by the evil imaginations of men, inspired by the adversary, naming the times and seasons, after idols and men. (Leviticus 18;3) In this time of final restoration, we must return to the true and proper worship of our Elohim Yahweh and our kinsman redeemer Yeshua. We do this because we love Him and want to honor Him as our beloved Father, creator, provider, sustainer, redeemer, husband, lover of our soul, and the restorer of all of creation).
Roman Catholic feasts and holidays can be traced back to a pagan date,
deity, or source, like Easter, Lent, Christmas, and Sunday worship, just
to name a few. In
this manner, this religion lives up to its name and title, The Roman
Catholic Church which translated means: The Roman Universal
Church, incorporating from every major pagan religion of the Roman Empire,
(universally) pagan thought, practice, and worship, under the guise of the
one true Church. In doing so, they gained quick acceptance from a pagan
practicing empire and so became its governing body, its clergy, and the
founders of this Western Christian Cultural Worldview, from which
all Protestant churches derive from. Matthew 15; 9 (Watch both these links on pagan Rome)
In an article written in: "The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets", we read the following commentary:
extensive contact with Mithraism, Christians (Catholic Church) also
began to describe themselves as soldiers for Christ; to call their
savior Light of the World, Helios the Rising Sun, and Sun of
Righteousness; to celebrate their feasts on Sun-day rather than the
Jewish sabbath; to claim their savior's death was marked by an eclipse
of the sun; and to adopt the seven Mithraic sacraments. Like Mithraists,
Christians practiced baptism to ascend after death through the
planetary spheres to the highest heaven, while the wicked (unbaptized)
would be dragged down to darkness. Mithra's
cave-temple on the Vatican Hill was seized by Christians in 376 AD.
Christian bishops of Rome per-emptied even the Mithraic high priest's
title of Pater Patrum, which became Papa, or Pope. In
memory of this, his worshipers partook of a sacramental meal of bread
marked with a cross. This was one of seven Mithraic sacraments - the
models for the Christians' seven sacraments. It was called
[undecipherable], Latin missa, English mass."
(Note: Truth is truth no matter who utters it! Many an intelligent mind has been turned away from the truth of Yahweh (G-d), due to apostatizing trickery as portrayed by the church of Rome. Exposing the truth of this is of imperative importance to the believer. But for this knowledge to benefit us spiritually, it must never lack the most important element of all, "Faith". Yahweh is not impressed by our knowledge. Our finite minds could never understand the mind of the Creator. Our faith moves our Father's heart on our behalf, for without it, it's impossible to please him. Heb. 11:6 )
Sometime later, their theologians instituted a new scriptural doctrine, a new system of Church interpretation, they called it Replacement Theology. This system would do away with any Jewish leadership claim, true believers could have by coming to salvation through the acceptance of their Messiah but having to do so under the leadership of the clergy in Rome. (Watch the following video on Dispensationalism, which is just another kinder form of saying Replacement Theology) :
By the time the reformation movement broke out in 16th century Europe, and after enduring more than 1000 years of biblical darkness and censorship, many had recognized the utter corruption of the clerics in Rome. By suppressing the reading of the Sacred Scriptures in one's native language (something the Roman religious leadership feared very much) with the institution of terrible persecutions and public spectacles, these inquisitors performed hangings, beheadings, and burnings at the stake. They also perfected heinous, torturous methods as a more efficient way of obtaining recants and confessions. By instilling fear into the masses to better control them, they killed thousands of believers, both Jew and Gentile, in an effort to stamp out what they had labeled as heresy. Because of such despotic and evil deeds, many laymen showed their utter disapproval by abandoning what we today call "Stepmother Rome" and adjoining themselves to the reformation movement sweeping throughout Europe.
(Watch this video of the Roman Inquisition)
Yet others took advantage of the movement to quench their thirst for LUST, ( King Henry VIII created the Church of England to be able to marry his wife's attendant Anne Boleyn), to gain POWER, (After breaking with the papacy Henry declared himself to be the only ruler of the church of England through the act of supremacy), and ultimately for GREED, (After separating from the church in Rome, Henry liquidated from the church's monasteries in England and added about £1.3 million to his treasury). Although this breaking away continued to fuel the fires of reformation, it did very little in the way of restoring true Hebraic roots doctrine and proper theological teaching, and so we call these "little Rome".
Later religious reforming attempts made were still partial in the restoration of true Hebraic roots doctrine. Martin Luther considered the "Father of the Reformation Movement" in Germany, was also known for his antisemitic writings, and views of intolerance for Jews. His work entitled "On the Jews and their lies" were handed out at Nazi rallies in Nuremberg during the early 1930's Click on the following link to read more:
Many genuine reformation movements, sincere in their quest to close the gap of religious orthodoxy, missed out on the truth set before them in their Bibles, because of their previous preconceived religious prejudice views, and Christian antisemitic proclivities. This laid the foundational doctrinal basis, that was screaming for more than just a reformation from within the Church, as Martin Luther wanted, but for a full-scale "RESTORATION" from outside their religious tenets, and pagan infiltrated doctrines, dogmas, and beliefs. Since then, the number of groups, churches, denominations, and splinter groups has grown to an embarrassing number, showing the work of misleading spirits of apostasy, dividing and dismembering the set-apart Body of Yahshua. Teaching traditions and fables as sound doctrine (1st.Timothy 4,1). This gave breeding grounds to a growing number of false religions (Mormons, Scientology, Christian Science, etc.) and many cults like the Jehovah's Witness, Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon, and many others, trying to fill the gap of doctrinal orthodoxy. This only made matters worse for the confused nonbeliever of religious or non-religious background. Most churches today have been influenced by this apostate spirit and have modeled their doctrines or fellowships to this religious movement of cultural theology. This is what the letter to Timothy speaks about as the falling away of the church, or time of Apostasy: Galatians 1: 6-8, 2nd Peter 1:2-3, 1 Corinthians 1:10-12, 11:18-19, 2nd Timothy 1:15, Revelation 3:14-16.
Click on this link and Discover the Truth
Still, during the Middle Ages, many Congregations slowly flourished throughout Europe after re-discovering new/old truths in the Scriptures and refusing to bow down to the Papal bulls of Rome. Many were learning the ways of Yahweh, although they continued to use transliterated names and titles for Yahweh and Yeshua (as God and Jesus) due to skewed translations and Roman mischief. They restored the observance of the Ten Commandments and the Sabbath Day and refused other Roman pagan observances. One such group was called the Waldenses. The Ruach Ha Kadosh (Holy Spirit) of Yahweh always maintained a remnant of faithful followers through the ages. These groups were later hunted down and driven from their homes in the mountains and their cabins in the wilderness, and thousands of saints were burned out of their homes and destroyed by the armies of the so-called defenders of the Faith (Rome).
Copy the links listed below and paste them into the address bar to learn about
Click on the link below to learn more about the Waldensians, who are true believers in Yeshua.